Lynx Point Siamese need to spend time with their owners, so do not leave your pet alone for a long time, it cannot stand loneliness. Besides, lynx Color Point shorthair cats get along well with other cats and other pets in a household.
Lynx Point cats are chatty cats who will communicate with you non-stop, watch your favorite TV shows together with you, talk with you in their affectionate language, play fetch, lie down on the keyboard and interfere with your work, as well as run around the house to release their energy and play with scratching posts. Purebred cats called lynx point are just as smart and playful as their traditional Siamese ancestors but less noisy and more laid-back. Lynx Point Siamese cats are a “lite version” of traditional Siamese cats who may resemble a wild lynx. Those cat lovers who want to buy kittens of this pattern may try their luck at local shelters or adoption centers.

Therefore, the tortoiseshell Siamese cat is quite expensive to own. Also, the tortoiseshell pattern in the Siamese breed is considered to be the rarest color. Lynx Point Siamese kittens and cats come in various colors and coat patterns: red, cinnamon, apricot, caramel, blue lynx point, seal point, chocolate, lilac, and tabby points. Usually, they weigh about 6-12 pounds, and female cats are smaller than males. Lynx Point Siamese felines are known as an athletic breed with their muscular underneath and sturdy limbs. Lynx Point cats have a distinctive “M-mark”, typical for tabby cats, on their forehead. Their tails are decorated with absolutely gorgeous rings of different thicknesses. Besides, lynx markings are present on their legs. Therefore, they feature well defined stripes on their ears and cheeks. The Lynx Point Siamese kittens (also known as the Tabby point or Colorpoint Shorthair cat) are a unique blend of a traditional Siamese cat and a tabby cat.

For example, the American Cat Fanciers Association calls the breed Lynx Colorpoint Shorthair cat, and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in the UK calls it the Tabby Point Siamese cat. This type of Siamese cat breed has several interchangeable names. The breed gained popularity in the 60s, and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) recognized the Lynx Siamese cat as a species of Siamese cats. The result of this crossing was the first Seal Tabby Point Siamese. It is believed that the appearance of the Lynx Point Siamese cat was unplanned, and the first Lynx kitten born as a result of such a cross was then bred with a Seal Point Siamese cat. This breed appeared in the 50s of the 20th century. The Lynx Point Siamese cat, also known as the Lynx Point, Tabby Point, or Colorpoint cat, is a cross between the Seal Point Siamese cat and the American Shorthair cat.