Vanilla wow beancounter
Vanilla wow beancounter

And belive me, the competition for that position is very strong. Looking back as a lvl 80 it was the dumbest thing i ever did in WOW. All benefit was some crappy enchants and DEd soulbound equipment.

vanilla wow beancounter

Belive me, it took me more time to get to 300 in enchanting at about lvl 50 than to train those levels. A lvl 80 has thousands of gold and can afford powerlevelling. I say never take enchanting as a profession as you level 8or any other crafting profession for that matter), take skinning and mining or herb for nobrainer cash. Its hard to know in advance, it depends on how Blizzard balances the yield on the differnt gatering skills and material requirements for green items. With the improvements to first aid DEers not only compete with the cloth demand for bags but for bandages as well. It was better to sell cloth drops, buy leathers for the money and DE leather gloves then tailor and DE. But leathers were cheap and required much less materials than cloth items, you could buy stacks of mats for LW and disenchant with a profit on my server. Kommentar von 298622in WOTLK cloth was in high demand and priced well beyond the value of disenchanted dust end essences. You could make some serious money selling scrolls, and easy leveling for Enchanting too as you won't have to waste those enchants on useless Gear that you're going to end up vendoring.

vanilla wow beancounter

You can make Armor Vellums and also Shoulder Enchants which (like Leatherworking) can add valuable and flexible Enchanting options. Inscription might not be a bad idea, if you have enough Herbs saved up. Blacksmith at 400 grants 2 extra Gem sockets for Bracer and Gloves, while Enchanting allows you to enchant your rings, these don't match or go together in any way, my Priest has BS / JC and it's a perfect match, and I suggest Tailoring / Enchanting. Jewelcrafting isn't a bad idea, because like Tailoring, the equipment you make can be worn by anyone, as opposed to Blackmith, which is just Mail and Plate and some hard to make Weapons. The only thing that Enchanters will benefit from Blacksmith are their Enchanting Rods. Tailoring requires cloth, which can be picked up by anyone and sold cheap. Kommentar von 111622Blacksmithing is not good paired with Enchanting, the Materials to make greens from Blacksmith are expensive, lots of ore, bars, and stones.

Vanilla wow beancounter